• Busy & Beautiful: A Conversation with Ashley H.

Ashley is an Oncoloy Outpatient Dietitian at The Ohio State University’s OSUCCC-James Cancer Hospital, lover of nature, free spirit and a super gorgeous, naturally blonde beauty! We’ve known Ashley since kindergarten and her natural beauty has never gotten in the way of her natural brains! Straight A’s were a mainstay on Ashley’s report card and quiet trips to the library were a typical end to a day of running around looking for trouble! Life gets in the way of things like fun with your friends so it’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to sit down and catch up with Ashley.  We knew she was doing some really cool things with food and cancer research so we figured she would be a great person to get some info from during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and catch up on girlfriend stuff too! Here’s what she had to say…

ZYN: What led you to a career as an Oncology Dietitian?

AH: Well, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and I moved back home to help her through treatment, help around the house and cook meals.  I did a lot of research on what types of food would be most beneficial to her and I just got really into it. Especially since I saw it help her get better. I realized I had found something I was passionate about so I went back to school to get certified in the field and here I am.

ZYN: Wow, I know your mom was really grateful, and the fact that you found your passion and career during that time is pretty cool! So what is a typical day for you?   

AH: I packed on a bunch of pounds when I first moved back home, so I’ve been pretty strict lately about my food and exercise routine.  I go to the gym around 6 am and work with my trainer. I come home, shower and have a typical breakfast of eggs with herbs from my garden; protein is super important in the morning! Then, I either make or buy a cup of coffee and am at work by about 8 am, give or take.  I work at a comprehensive breast center which means we provide services from screening to treatment. No day is ever the same, but I usually start by seeing patients in my office; either patients that are finished with treatment and are looking for a healthy diet plan for survivorship, or patients going through kemo that need a diet plan to keep them strong and aid them through the process.  I also do a lot of research. We are still learning a lot about cancer so there is plenty of research to be done. Since I specialize in food, I investigate food and the impact it has on cancer development or progression. I meet regularly with patients that are participating in the various studies. I also meet with the doctors to discuss the patients and present any findings on food and dietary supplements.  I run the employee wellness program at the center, so basically I get to come up with all kinds of fun games and challenges to get employees to eat healthy.  Oh, and I’m developing a program to revamp the cafeteria food at the center.  After work, I like to go for a walk in the park, then go home, have some wine and go to bed.

ZYN: You have quite the full day! In fact, you didnt mention what you eat for lunch?

AH:  As part of my weight loss plan, I eat small protein snacks every few hours.  Lunch for me is rarely a big to-do. I guess that’s why I didn’t think of it. Some of my go-to snacks are hummus and veggies, greek yogurt, fruit, or dark chocolate with nuts… I pretty much eat like that for the rest of the day.

ZYN: What about your beauty routine?

AH: I don’t know that I would call it a “beauty routine”, but I like to keep it natural.  If I need to, I will even out my face with bronzer or foundation and a soft blush.  I keep a regular mani/pedi appointment. Nails are important to me so I keep that up!

ZYN: We agree, nails are super important! Is there anyone you look to as your style icon?

AH:  Anyone with natural beauty that doesn’t overdo it.

ZYN: Touche. So with a constant influx of health food fads, its often difficult to keep up with whats good for us and whats bad. What are some tips you would give women for cancer prevention?

AH: I suggest a diet that is 2/3 plant based, and dark chocolate counts! Limit high sugar and energy dense foods (peanuts are energy dense but those are good, I mean things like cake, cookies, etc.). Eliminate or limit processed and packaged foods with a lot of ingredients we can’t pronounce – stick with whole foods as much as possible. Build in 30 minutes of physical activity a day. This one is a huge help for cancer prevention, and it can be cumulative, so 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening, or 10, 10, 10.

ZYN: What is a common misconception about cancer?

AH: A lot of women come into the center and want to know how they got cancer, or what food they can eat or pill they can take to get rid of it, but there’s no magic cause or cure. It sounds cliché but if it’s too good to be true, it is. Other women feel guilty because they think they did this to themselves. That’s not the case because we, the scientists and doctors, don’t even know all of the causes of cancer. I tell women to start from where they are and do their best going forward.  It’s difficult for women, because women are so used to taking care of others, it’s hard to get them to make themselves the focus, but that’s their best shot.

ZYN: We women do so much and get so little credit! (smh). Your work is quite fascinating and sounds like it keeps you super busy.  What do you do for fun?! I remember what we did as teenagers, but I assume things have changed a bit since we were sixteen 😉  

AH:  Good food, good wine and good conversation.

ZYN: Youre our kind of gal! I guess thats why weve been friends for so long!  Thank you for taking the time to share with us.  We wanted to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and thought you would be the perfect person to chat with! We are always encouraging our readers and clients to eat healthy and that beauty starts on the inside. Not just for shiny hair and nails, but for important things like cancer prevention!  We are going to stalk you for some of your healthy recipes – readers stay tuned!

Follow @ashj1279 on Instagram through her journey of food and life!


Zyn Beauty

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