• Sage Beauty Secrets: Easier Said Than Done? Part I

Sage Beauty Secrets: Easier said than Done? Part I

Thanks to the wisdom of a few sage beauties, our previous post “Sage Beauties Spill Their Secrets” provided some great advice that will help us look and feel fabulous for years to come! The Internet is also full of great beauty, health and lifestyle tips that are often tried and true. But if you’re like us, it’s sometimes not the what, but the HOW that trips us up on our path to balanced and beautiful bliss. So we decided to take the Sage Beauty Secrets one by one and figure out a few ways we can make these secrets part of our reality.

The first secret we took a look at was “carve out a non-negotiable 20 minutes for yourself each day”. Here are a few tactics we think will help you make this little secret a real part of your daily life.

1. Know your schedule. List out your typical schedule for the week. Include everything from travel time to and from work, meals, morning prep time, evening TV time, etc. Once everything you do each day is listed out, you can see where you could possibly carve out this very important 20 minutes. Can you lay out clothes the night before to reduce the time it takes you to get ready in the morning? Can you take 20 minutes of time at the end of the day that we typically spend watching TV, reading books or magazines, surfing the net, etc., and use it for a more focused 20 minutes of self love and rejuvenation? We found that when we listed everything out, we had a few times throughout the day that we could re-adjust to fit this very precious 20 minutes.

2. Ask for help! As difficult as it can be for us to relinquish control, it’s a great way to get more time in your day. Delegate tasks to work colleagues and/or administrative assistants that you normally do yourself but would be perfectly appropriate for others to assist with. If you have a partner or children at home, and you haven’t done so already, delegate one of your daily chores to others in the house. Remember, there is no “I” in Team and Teamwork makes the dream work!

3. Kill two birds with one stone. So you don’t have any room for modification in your fully packed schedule and you aren’t ready to let go of the reigns and ask for help or you don’t have the appropriate people to ask. Well, everyone loves a bargain, right? So how about a two-fer!?

a. Use your daily exercise routine as your “you” time. Do it alone and devote some of the allotted time to less strenuous activity like yoga or stretching.

b. Use your morning or evening beauty/cleansing ritual as your “you” time. Close your bathroom door, light a candle, play your favorite music or not, and spend some time with yourself while you get dressed or undressed.

We know it’s not easy because as my mother would say, “if it was, everyone would do it!” But wisdom says it’s well worth the effort, so hopefully these tips give you a few ideas of how you can make this beauty secret a personal success. We’re on this journey with you, so please share your time saving strategies with us also!

Zyn Beauty

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