• Five Little Make-Up Tips That Make A Big Difference!

Not all make-up looks and trends are for everybody; some we take and some we leave.  However, we think there are some fool-proof tips that are universal and will take your look from good to gorgeous!  Here are five make-up tips we can’t live without.

  1. Under eye concealer is a make-up must-have.  We are not big fans of full foundation as part of our daily make-up routine for a variety of reasons; it’s time consuming, the wrong kind can lead to breakouts, and it rubs off on things, to name a few.  Unless you have specific reasons for needing foundation, or are going in front of a camera, we don’t think skipping it will prevent you from giving fabulous face! We do however, HIGHLY recommend daily use of an under eye concealer.  No matter how fabulous you look for your age, trust us, if you are an adult woman, under eye concealer will cover up even the slightest dark circles, brighten up your face and serve as a primer for eyeliner and shadow.  Next time you’re at your favorite cosmetic store, ask a representative to help you find the perfect shade.  We’re certain you’ll love the results!
  2. Apply your blush to the apples of your cheeks!  We thought this was common beauty knowledge, but just the other day we saw a lady applying her blush UNDER the apples of her cheeks! We watched in amazement and immediately decided to mention this in a blog post to help prevent this very simple make-up mistake.  The apple of your cheek is the part closest to your eye. You should feel your cheekbone under your “apples”.  The hallow space between your cheek bone and your jaw bone is too low and will end up making you look older and sunken.  Unless you are starting a new trend and “breaking beauty boundaries”, stick with applying your blush to the apples of your cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation or lip primer under your lipstick.  We know, we know, we just said we don’t use foundation, but we do have it on hand for special occasions, and while we’re not huge fans of it on our face, we love it as a base for our lipstick.  Our lips, like many others, are two tones.  So when we apply lipstick directly to our lips, the top looks different from the bottom.  To fix this little dilemma, we apply foundation to our top and bottom lips before we apply our lipstick to achieve an even tone.  It also helps the lipstick last longer!  Lip primer does the same thing, but using foundation allows us to get two uses out of our not-so-cheap foundation purchase 😉
  4. Manage your facial hair.  Most of us have unwanted hair on our face and it’s nothing to be ashamed of! We were created that way for a reason, unfortunately however, that reason was not to make your make-up look fierce and fabulous! Stray facial hair distracts from the look you spent time creating, so do yourself a favor and get rid of it. Whether you tweeze, wax, thread or scrub, lip and chin hair should be removed completely.  How you rock your eyebrows is up to you, but they should be shaped and groomed.  That eyebrow brush in your make-up bag is itching to be used! Apply a bit of eyebrow gel and brush them so all of the hairs are neat and going in the same direction.  Minor detail that makes a major difference!
  5. Blend blend blend! Whether it’s your blush, eye-shadow, foundation or lipstick, all make-up needs to be properly blended to look smooth and natural on your face.  A complete set of quality brushes is well worth the investment to make sure each type of make-up can be properly applied and thoroughly blended.  Blend, blend, blend, and then blend just a bit more 🙂

Let us know if you find these tips helpful! And please share a few of your favorite tips with us.

Zyn Beauty

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